Sunday, March 20, 2011

Miss Colorado 2010

Hello everyone!

Well the pageant has passed, and no, I did not win the title of Miss Colorado 2010, but I can say this was one of the best experiences at a pageant I have ever had. I was actually unsure if I would be able to compete at all the week before the pageant. I was under a lot of stress with my mom who had been back in the hospital again. Then a few days after she was out I too had to be rushed to the hospital. I awoke one morning with my heart racing and pounding out of my chest. I could not catch my breath and thought to myself that I was about to die. It was the scariest feeling I have ever had. I woke my mom up and she called 911 and I was rushed to the hospital. At first they thought I might have a blood clot in my lung, but test showed that I have an overactive thyroid. The few days after this episode, I found it difficult to work out or practice my talent without experiencing trouble breathing. I couldn’t even get through my whole dance. I became worried and unsure if I should try to compete, but that’s when I realized that I could not let the stress of what could happen take over anymore. I just had to go in knowing that I prepared my best, had the support of so many amazing people and that things always seem to happen for a reason, as I can note many times throughout my life so far.

I made it through the weekend, though I was not feeling my best. On Wednesday, we had rehearsals all day to learn the opening number dance. Thanks to our beautiful Miss Colorado 2009 Katie Layman, the choreography was amazing. It was a fun hip-hop routine to Boom Boom Pow by the Black Eyed Peas. Also on Wednesday we had rehearsals with our Princesses. This year, the Princesses got to do their own opening number routine. My princesses, Victoria and Piper, were so excited for it. They also got to escort us during the preliminary evening gown competition!

Thursday I competed in Onstage Question and Talent. I never really get nervous for onstage question. This year my question was if women could achieve the same success men can in the workplace. I cannot remember my exact answer, but it I agreed that we definitely can and gave examples of women who have. My talent was a jazz dance to Black and Gold by Sam Sparro, one of my favorite songs of all time! Being a part of this pageant really encouraged me to get back into dance. I’ve missed it so much, and returning back to taking dance classes has truly inspired me to continue and see how much progress I can make. Even the ballet instructor at my studio noted that I have a true talent for ballet, and that I need to get back into it! I was very proud of my talent this year. I pushed myself to try new things. I wish I had a clip of it to show, but I know that it went well!

Friday was when my sickness caught up to me. I was feeling very tired and then I got an upset stomach. There were at least 5 or 6 girls that had the same upset stomach too so there was a lot of Pepto going around! I had my interview that morning, and it was fun. The judges were very nice and easy going and always had new questions to ask. Many questions were focused on my platform, the Go Red For Women campaign, along with fashion related questions. I even got asked how I would dress Michelle Obama for an appearance! That night I did walk away with the preliminary swimsuit award and a $1000 scholarship for Academic Achievement. Thank you so much to Josh Rogers for supplying me with the workout plan that I dedicated myself to. I saw results so quickly and I know if I stick to it, I can have the six-pack abs I’ve always dreamed of!

Saturday was a better day. I think all the nerves were out and I could just relax. Before the show started, I was not nervous at all. I just had this overwhelming feeling of joy in my heart that I had made it through the week and that my hard work had paid off. I also made such good friends with the girls in my dressing room and I just felt accomplished!

The show started, and I was called into the top 15! First up was swimsuit; I was the third person to go. They had a fog machine that malfunctioned so the first 5 girls that went were fogged out! They allowed us to come back out and redo our walks, which was very nice! Then they called top 10, and I made it! I was the first girl out in evening gown, and I thought it went great. Then there was the top 5, and I didn’t make it. Of course there were some feelings of disappointment, but I was not angry or upset. I did cry a lot after the pageant though when I saw my brother standing in his Navy uniform. I know this will be his last time home for a long time, and I kept thinking how cool it would have been if he saw me win. But he was very proud of me regardless!

Big congratulations to the new Miss Colorado Melaina Shipwash. Three times is definitely a charm! She is a great example of sticking to your dreams. She has worked very hard and I know she will be a strong force at Miss America. So finally, thank you thank you thank you to everyone on this board and all of my sponsors. I was hoping I could bring a title to you guys, but I am so grateful for the support. It really did make a difference in the way I felt about competing this year. I have never had so much support before, and I think it just changes your whole attitude. I am so blessed to have the title of Miss Pageant Central. I just can’t put into words what a difference it made for me this time. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Swim Suit Winner!

Opening Number

My dance instructor Allana with Kinsey and I. Kinsey was competing in the teen division and we both dance at Allana’s studio!

My princesses Victoria and Piper escorting me during preliminary evening gown!

We also pair up with a Special Olympics Princess and do a special segment with them on stage!

My brother and I after the pageant

Congrats to our new Miss Colorado!

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