Friday, March 4, 2011

Maria DeSantis - Miss America's Outstanding Teen 2007

Maria DeSantis - Miss America's Outstanding Teen 2007

Maria DeSantis
Miss New York's Outstanding Teen 2006

Staten Island

Scholastic Ambition

BFA in vocal performance at the Tisch School of New York University, JD with specialization in corporate finance and entertainment issues

Career Ambition
Broadway triple threat performer


Platform Issue
Getting Teens Involved in the Fight Against Cancer

Scholastic Honors
AP courses in math, Russian, chemistry, English and macroeconomics in the most rigorous high
school on Staten Island.

Successfully working with the American Cancer Society to get skeptical teens involved in the fight against cancer by sharing their musical talents for fundraising events. Swept all 5 phases of onstage competition plus won Miss Congeniality and Community Service at state teen pageant.

State Competition Sponsor
New York's Outstanding Teen Scholarship Program

Favorite TV Show
Dr. 90210

Favorite Foods
homemade gnocchi with butter sage sauce, which I love to make myself

The friendliest dwarf rabbit, Smokey Robinson Caruso (Smokey for short)

Secret Dream

Not so secret! To be crowned the second Miss America's Outstanding Teen!

If I could change anything about myself
I am extremely hard on myself. I wish sometimes I could just settle for that 95 instead of pushing for the 100!

One of my favorite things to do
Drive my family crazy by singing loudly all the time (I know they secretly love it).

courtesy photo of PageantCast, maoteen website

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