Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Miss America Predictions 2011

It has finally happened. The moment every blogger dreams of. Apprently, Miss District of Columbia 2009 stumbled across my blog post "In Defense of Miss America." She posted it to her facebook, and someone else reposted it. Finally, it landed on the national Miss America chat board. Naturally, they assumed that Miss DC 2009 wrote it and proceeded to bash my inattention to grammar and spelling. Hey, it's a blog, and I can accept the criticism. However, most people seemed to agree with what I was saying and I'm glad to welcome my new followers.

So after months of slaving over a hot spreadsheet containing my personal scores of all 53 contestants in all four phases of competition, I am finally prepared to list my top 15. In random order:

Miss Kentucky

Miss California

Miss Massachussetts

Miss Michigan
Miss Oklahoma
Miss Pennsylvania
Miss South Carolina
Miss West Virginia
Miss Virginia

Miss New Jersey

Miss Utah

Miss Florida
Miss Georgia

Miss Texas

Miss Tennessee
Honorable Mentions go to: Miss Louisiana, Miss Maryland and Miss New York

I didn't do too well last year. I only guessed six of the top fifteen. However, my winner was 1st RU and my 2nd RU was the winner so what I missed in quantity I gained in quality. Tune in on January 15th 2010 at 9PM to find out who wins. Go to to make your own predictions.

If you already have predictions, I'd love to hear them as well! Tell me what you think.

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