Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Miss Universe Australia Rachael Finch ready to rule.

By Xanthe Kleinig The Daily Telegraph August 22, 2009 12:01am

IT'S a long way from the tarmac of Townsville Airport, where model agent Henry Petersen first met Miss Universe Australia Rachael Finch, to the Bahamas.

However, things reach a climax on Monday morning - tomorrow night Caribbean time - when the next Miss Universe is announced.

It could be the culmination of a remarkable five-year journey, The Daily Telegraph reports.

Five years of catwalks, of painstakingly developing her physique and speaking skills, of drinking two litres of water a day, of no carbs, no alcohol. Five years of hard grind.

But Petersen knows that his 21-year-old girl is a thoroughbred.

"Bart Cummings got 12 Melbourne Cup winners but not with two weeks training," he said.

During those five years, Rachael's family has watched her transform from a leggy, athletic teenager with gravel rash on her knees into a glamorous international model intent on Hollywood stardom.

With mother Colleen Zablocki coaching her as a young hopeful, she would try out catwalk moves and poses they saw on TV.

"She would get ideas from those movies - if we saw something with modelling we'd talk about it together. It was 'Try this or try that'," Ms Zablocki said.

Since 2005, when Finch was runner-up in Miss Indy, she has worked her way up to bigger competitions and bigger contracts.

At home, she would get up at 7am, swim 6km and come home for a healthy breakfast of bran, yoghurt and fruit.

"I'll never forget that because I used to look at it and think, 'Oh yuck'," Ms Zablocki recalled this week.

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